Renter perspective

It’s important to appreciate all perspectives of people involved in any property transaction – whether it’s buying, renting, investing, or selling.

And that’s definitely the case when it comes to the rental occupiers who look after an investment.

Bearing that in mind, let’s take a look at the rental perspective and what rental occupiers really want and need.

Worth their weight in gold

As any property owner and property manager will attest, a great rental occupier is worth their weight in gold.

These are the people who look after a property, day in, day out and pay for the privilege of doing so.

In the process, they go about their lives, call someone’s investment their home, and work with the property manager to ensure that property is well looked after and maintains its value.

In return, that commitment needs to be valued. So how can you help keep a valued renter and make the experience one they won’t want to leave?

Peace and privacy

Every renter has the right to quiet enjoyment of a property, and peace and privacy.

That means many appreciate minimal interruptions to their daily lives and legally it is required they are given adequate notice of any inspections or visits by tradespeople.

As a rental owner, it’s worth bearing this in mind, ensuring any work on the property involves minimal interruptions and inconvenience for the rental occupier.

Swift repairs

Few rental occupiers want to bother their property manager or rental owner with repair requests unnecessarily.

But every now and then, things can and do go wrong at a property. Having these tended to quickly helps forge a great relationship with your rental occupier and ensure they feel valued.

Timely communication

Every aspect of renting a property benefits from timely communication – whether it’s a quick response to a repair request, notice of an intended routine inspection, or simple communication about renewing a rental agreement.

In fact, the best rental relationships are forged on good three-way communication between the property owner, property manager and the rental occupier.

This proactive communication ensures the property is well looked after, everyone’s rights are respected, and the renter feels valued as well.

A little recognition

Finally, a great renter is worth a little recognition when it comes to things like raising the rent or perhaps making additions to the property that would benefit them.

For example, when it comes to a rental agreement renewal, the owner might wish to forgo a large rental increase and instead opt for a slightly smaller one in a bid to keep a great renter in their home.

Or perhaps the rental owner might consider adding something to the home or improving it in a way that makes it more liveable for the existing renter.

Often, it’s the little acts of mutual respect that ensure a successful rental arrangement where the occupier and the owner feel valued, appreciated and understood.

How we can help

Our experienced property managers pride themselves on establishing great relationships with both rental occupiers and owners.

We manage every property as if it were our own and you can learn more about our property management services here.

Alternatively, if you are looking to rent a property, you can view the properties we currently have available here.